Movement therapy and physical activity for elderly and special populations (LM67I-3B)

Movement therapy and physical activity for elderly and special populations (LM67I-3B)

informazioni su questo INSEGNAMENTO
Ore totali:
M-PED/01, MED/33, M-EDF/01, L-LIN/02
2° Semestre
Modalità di valutazione:
Written examination

Obiettivi formativi

  • Knowing the theory of movement therapy and physical activity for special populations;
  • Knowing theories and techniques of the application of movement therapy in the rehabilitation chain;
  • Knowing the theoretical and practical basis of coordination training for special populations;
  • Knowing the theoretical and practical basis of aqua therapy;
  • Knowing the theoretical and practical basis of strength training for special populations;
  • Acquiring the basic knowledge on the theory of post-traumatic neurorehabilitation as well as in orthopaedic rehabilitation;
  • Knowing the theoretical and practical application of sociological theories in health maintenance and disease prevention;
  • Knowing the social and psychosocial aspects of physical activity in the elderly population;
  • Understanding the main changes in physiological capacities with age and their importance for functional ability and activities of daily living.


When finalising the course the students will be able to:

Professional competences

  • Utilize the conceptual and practical tools related to exercise training in special populations as well as in rehabilitation chain, in conceiving, managing and monitoring a fitness program tailored for special populations;
  • Utilize the conceptual and practical tools related to exercise training in elderly people, general sociology, applied to motor sciences, in conceiving, managing and monitoring a fitness program tailored for the elderly;
  • Utilize the conceptual and practical tools related to exercise training in orthopaedic and neurological post-traumatic rehabilitation chain, in conceiving, managing and monitoring a fitness program tailored for special populations.


Theoretical and Academic competences

  • Analyse and critically read scientific articles related to the scientific disciplines treated in the module.


Basic knowledge of motor and exercise activities. Basis on preventive and adaptive physical activity theory and technique. Elements of sports medicine.

Risultati apprendimento attesi

The exam includes:

  • Individually written short essay (3-5 pages, 1.000 – 1.800 words) on 12-14 March 2025 on a topic assigned to the student among the module’s topics. It must represent in an individual and original way the critical thinking of the student with respect to the chosen topic, demonstrating also the student’s capability to integrate and apply various knowledge. Essay general guidelines are available in the Moodle Learning Platform. Available time: 24 hrs.;
  • Test on 17 March 2025 (in person): up to 15 multiple choice and /or open questions on the entire module program (available time: 30′-60′, depending upon the question type). The test verifies the knowledge acquired by the student with respect the whole module content throughout the lecture’s attendance and the individual study.


For both Test and Essay, the program makes use of the online instruments available in the “Foro Italico” Moodle Learning Platform.

18 out of 30 points is the minimum threshold for both test and essay. The final mark will result from the following formula: [(Essay’s points x 2.2) + Test’s points]/3

Credits (ECTS)
The programme adopts the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the teaching units, with 1 ECTS = 25 hrs student workload. As a rule, 1 contact hr will be held to correspond to ~3 hr of student’s individual work, accounting for intensity of teaching, amount of study materials, essays to write, exams, etc. For the evaluation of academic progress, the ECTS grading scale will be adopted within the consortium.

Student’s work loads (Total 375 hours)

  • Lectures and workshop: 68
  • Practical teaching and online learning: 98
  • Individual study: 183
  • Exam: 26


Module responsible: prof. Paolo Caserotti


The course is structured as an Intensive course with a condensed blended teaching period of 3 weeks (distance face-to-face and online resources) and condensed e-learning, distance tutoring, and individual study of 4 weeks, including examination.

Multidisciplinary components

  • General and social pedagogy (M-PED/01, ECTS 5)
  • Musculoskeletal system diseases (MED/33, ECTS 5)
  • Methods and didactics of movement sciences (M-EDF/01, ECTS 5)
  • Foreign language (L-LIN/02, ECTS 0)

Content of the course

  • Physical dimensions and individual differences with age;
  • Biology of aging;
  • Sociological issues on physical health and nutrition;
  • Skeletal muscle function, fatigue, and metabolism: effects of disuse and diseases;
  • Age-related changes in cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems;
  • Functional ability – testing procedures and association with adverse health outcomes;
  • Aging in the sensory system and postural control;
  • Exercise Prescription in aging populations;
  • Physical activity for the elderly – interdisciplinary approaches;;
  • Exercise and cognitive functions;
  • Sports therapy and the ICF classification;
  • Professional fields;
  • Immobilisation;
  • Injuries of the upper and lower extremities;
  • Sensomotoric system;
  • Gait training and coordination;
  • Muscle Training for Special Populations/ Training with Devices (Theory and Practical Application): Lower extremities;
  • Aquatherapy;
  • Practical applications lower and upper extremities;
  • Musculo-skeletal disorders and sports activity Joint diseases: acute and overuse injuries;
  • Basics of disabled sports and medical aspects of different disabilities and practical applications;
  • Cancer and Sport;
  • Lectures and practical experience at Villa Stuart Sport Medicine Unit.


Additional tools: Practice in statistics; English Academic Writing; Italian for foreign students.

Study material (mainly PDF files of the literature and monography) and virtual rooms for discussions between students and students and staff, is made available on the e-learn platform of Foro Italico University.

Vedi programma esteso
European Master of Science in Health and Physical Activity (Classe LM67INT)
Piazza Lauro de Bosis, 15 - 00135 Roma
Docenti del corso
Audiffren Michel
Baumann Freerk
Caserotti Paolo
Macaluso Andrea
Margheritini Fabrizio
Morino Francesca
Ortenblad Niels
Pesce Caterina
Rocchi Jacopo Emanuele
Temprado Jean Jacque
Vannozzi Giuseppe
Professore Associato
Wilke Christiane