All international students are entitled to the same student assistance services as Italian students, on the basis of the same requisites of financial means and/or merit. This applies to scholarships, student loans, housing assistance, canteen meal tickets and fee waivers.
The tuition fees amount is determined yearly by the University of Rome “Foro Italico” board; generally it is payable in three instalments:
- 1st tuition fee instalment (DSU Regional Tax € 140,00 + Virtual Stamp Duty: € 16,00) to be paid by the deadline indicated in the notice of enrolment for the 1st year or by the end of October for enrolment in years subsequent to the 1st year
- 2nd tuition fee instalment (50% of the comprehensive contribution) to be paid approximately by 15-20 of December.
- 3rd tuition fee instalment (50% of the comprehensive contribution) to be paid approximately by the end of April.
Computation of the annual all-inclusive tuition fees (2nd and 3th tuition fee instalments)
Deadline: end of November (or in any case without fail no later than the end of December with relevant indemnity)
Some students benefit from a fee exemption or reduction according to their family financial situation.
- If you are a foreign student, living and working in Italy or with a family that works in Italy, interested in benefitting from reductions in the annual all-inclusive tuition fees, by and not later than the end of November (or in any case without fail no later than the end of December with relevant indemnity), shall be in possession of the Financial Situation Certificate ISEE, “Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica” (DSU), for services for the Right to Universities Studies (“per le prestazioni per il diritto allo studio universitario”), which can be asked at a CAF (Fiscal Assistance Center) or alternatively on INPS website through their online services (upon registration).
- If you are a foreign student and Italian student with income generated abroad interested in benefitting from reductions in the annual all-inclusive tuition fees, by and not later than the end of November (or in any case without fail no later than the end of December with a charge of indemnity), shall be in possession of the ISEE PARIFICATO for services for the Right to Universities Studies (“per le prestazioni per il diritto allo studio universitario”); it can be requested at any Fiscal Assistance Center (CAF) here in Italy and it shall be sent in a pdf format to respecting the same above deadline (the end of November or in any case without fail no later than the end of December with relevant indemnity).
Please note that certificate release is not immediate, but it takes 10-15 working days from the request.
The 2nd and 3rd tuition fees instalments will be calculated on the basis of relevant income bracket.
It should be noted that those who do not comply with the above-mentioned procedures, shall be considered as belonging to the highest income bracket; the same apply to students who do not wish to present their ISEE/ ISEE PARIFICATO for services for the Right to Universities Studies (“per le prestazioni per il diritto allo studio universitario”).
From the 2nd year to the 5th year of enrollment exceeding the two-year program, the minimum and maximum amounts of the all-inclusive contribution increased respectively by 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%. From the 5th year of enrollment exceeding the two-year program onwards, the increase is 50%.
Pursuant to Ministerial Decree 1014 of 03/08/2021 in the income brackets between € 23,000 and € 30,000 the following percentage reductions apply:
Right to university studies
As per our national and regional normative system aiming to support outstanding and lower income students in their studies, all candidates to entrance competition for second-level degree programs can participate to the selection procedure for assignment of scholarships, accommodations, financial contributions and contributions for learning experience in Italy and abroad. In order to benefit from the above, candidates will have to participate to the competition published by the Regional LazioDiSCo and apply online by the set deadline. Announcement of competition is published in Those interested are invited to look at it.
Student contribution exemptions
- Disabled students
- Students with a certified disability as per art. 3.1-3 Law 104/1992 or with a certified permanent disability equal to or exceeding 66% are exempt from payment of annual all-inclusive tuition fees (2nd and 3rd tuition fees instalments), except for stamp duty (€ 16,00).
- Students with a certified permanent disability between 33% and 65% shall pay the 1st tuition fee instalment but are offered a partial exemption from annual all-inclusive tuition fees (2nd and 3rd tuition fee instalments) of
€ 300, 00.
- Students who have applied for a grant (LAZIODISCO)
Students who have applied for a grant shall pay only the 1st tuition fee instalment (€ 156,00: Regional Tax and stamp duty). However, should they not be ranked as winner or eligible in the final ranking, they shall pay the 2nd fee instalment and 3rd fee instalments. - Transferred students. Students transferred from another University of Latium Region shall not pay DSU Regional Tax.
- Students from Partner Universities (agreement signed with consortium universities)
The first two (2) best students of each partner university in the ranking list, up to a maximum of ten (10) students/year, are exempt from payment of all-inclusive tuition fees (2nd and 3th tuition fee instalment), except for the 1st tuition fee instalment.
In accordance with Law 232 of 11.12.2016 (Student Act), the following calculation criteria are identified according to the household’s economic situation certified by the ISEE granted for the benefit of the right to university study:
- course of apprenticeship;
- ISEE value calculated specifically for benefits for the right to study;
- number of years of enrollment in the course. Where “year” refers to the number of years of enrollment starting from the first year of registration for the first time at any university, as in the cases of transfer from another University or passing of an internal course;
- the number of credits received during the 12 months before August 10th.