Tax identification code/Codice Fiscale
The tax identification code (Codice Fiscale) is an Italian alphanumerical code (with 16 characters) based on the first name, family name and date and place of birth. It is used by the public administration to identify citizens living in Italy. All those living in Italy need to have one. The Codice Fiscale is also necessary to apply for a residence permit, to open a bank account, to sign a rent agreement, to obtain a canteen card and to carry out many other procedures/activities.
We recommend you to get your Codice Fiscale in advance at the Italian embassy in your country. Alternatively, you can apply for your tax identification code at the Agenzia delle Entrate in Via Ippolito Nievo 36 when you arrive in Rome (open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:50 to 13:30; Tuesday and Thursday from 7:50 to 15:30).
Normally, the tax identification code is given by filling in a specific form, by showing a valid identification document, by handing in a photocopy of a document.
Residence Permit/Permesso di soggiorno
Students with EU Citizenship
Exchange students (Erasmus+ or other programs) who will be staying in Italy for more than 3 months, but in any case, temporarily, can stay in Italy without any formalities. They only need to have an identity document valid for traveling abroad.
Students enrolled in degree programs who will be staying in Italy for more than 3 months on a non-temporary basis must register with the Registry office (Anagrafe) in the area of city they live and study in.
Students with extra-EU Citizenship
Students who belong to an extra-EU country, before leaving their country, must hold a health insurance and entry visa. On their arrival in Italy a declaration of presence and residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) are required.
Within 8 working days from arrival in Italy they must apply for their residence permit.
How to do:
- Pick up a residence permit kit at any post office (Poste Italiane).
- Complete the application form and attach photocopies of the required documents along with a tax revenue stamp (€ 16,00). Instructions are included in the Residence Permit Kit; however, if you are unsure or are have any difficulties, you can ask for assistance at our International Office.
- Return completed form back to the post office. On filing your application, you will have to pay € 70.46 (for the Residence Permit procedure) and € 30,00 (for the postal service), using a pre-filled form you will find inside the kit.
- The post office will give you a receipt for your application, which is your proof of having applied for the residence permit and also indicates the date/time/place of your appointment with the Immigration Office (Police). To be noted: always keep the postal receipt with you. It serves as a formal proof that you have applied for a residence permit and it will also allow you to travel within the Schengen Area while you are waiting for your residence permit card.
For further information please visit:,,
Registration with the Registry Office/Anagrafe
EU students enrolled in degree programs must register prior to the expiry of the first three-month period in Italy. Registration is free of charge.
Documents to be presented to the Registry office (Anagrafe) in the area (Municipio) where you live:
- Identity card or passport (or equivalent);
- Declaration from the University confirming enrolment in a study program, indicating the relative duration;
- Form E106: must be obtained from the Health Service of your country of origin before leaving home. Or, if your country of origin does not issue form E106, you must have a private health insurance policy equal to the duration of the study program, covering all risks. In order to be valid in Italy, the insurance company must complete the Certificate of conformity [.pdf];
Warning: The Registry office will not allow you to register unless you present the Certificate of conformity to Italian law together with the policy. The European health card (TEAM) can be used for medical assistance during the first 3 months, but does NOT replace health insurance for the purposes of registration with the Anagrafe;
Documentation confirming the availability of financial resources. Students can present a self-certification (written statement signed by the student on unstamped paper) declaring that they have the required amount of money available for the period spent in Italy. They must specify the source of the declared income and any other element that helps to check this (such as bank or postal account details and a copy of a credit card that can be used in Italy, such as the Maestro circuit). The reference parameter for establishing the required amount is the social allowance.
The application must be made to the registry office (anagrafe) or other competent office in the district or municipality of residence. All documentation must be produced in original and one copy: the copy is withheld by the office, while the originals will be returned to the student. Having registered, it is possible to apply for a certificate of registration. Both the certificate and the application for the certificate have a charge (stamp duties and other municipal charges).