University of Rome “Foro Italico” have in place effective procedures and arrangements to promote and guarantee the safety and protection of Erasmus+ and incoming participants from partner universities in their activity at our institution. With this regard, all Erasmus+ and Exchange students and trainees are covered by insurance in case of accident, serious incident (including permanent or temporary incapacity) and death.
Health insurance in Italy is essential to receive appropriate assistance but is also a requirement to request a residence permit. Your health insurance should cover your health care for the entire period of your stay in Italy. You can have a private or a national health insurance. You can choose any hospital and/or doctor (public or private) for your medical services. If you have already stipulated an insurance policy in your country of origin and it was validated by the Italian representation before you left, you can use it for the first issue of your residence permit.
If you are a student from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and are in possession of a valid national health insurance in your home country, you need the European Health Insurance Card. This card is issued by your health insurance provider. The EHiC card will allow you to have access to the National Health care services (i.e. medical examinations, recovery in a hospital or in a health care centre, etc.). The overall objective is to guarantee you an adequate assistance throughout your stay in italy. Please note that the card does not cover payments for private healthcare providers or for planned healthcare.
More information for the card you can find on the website of the European Commission
Otherwise once in Italy you will have two opportunities: either registering with the National Health Service (SSN) or stipulating a private policy with an Italian health insurance provider.
By registering with the National Health Service (SSN), you will get complete health assistance and be assigned (or you can choose) a local GP, who you can refer to, free of charge.
The NHS gives you the same status as any Italian national from the medical services point of view:
- you can refer to a general practitioner (whose services will be free)
- you will have free access to first aid hospital services
- day‐hospital permanence
- surgical procedures in all public structures
- for blood and other analysis, examinations and specialist visit you must pay a reduced tax (ticket).
- registration is valid for one solar year. (1st January ‐ 31st December).
You have to go to the ASL office (Local Health Authority) which is closest to your residence (addresses can be found at the and present:
- proof of payment of about € 149,77 to the Postal Office on c/c n. 370007 specifying as reason “iscrizione volontaria al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale»;
- valid ID Card/Passport;
- tax Identification code (codice fiscale);
- permit of residence or the application receipt from the municipality;
- self-certification proving your enrolment at the University of Rome Foro Italico;
- if you are an EU citizen, your TEAM/EHIC card or the E106 Model card issued by your country of origin.
Private insurance
At present the most convenient private health insurance for international students is provided by W.A.I (Welcome Association Italy). For extra-EU citizens it costs 120 € for 12 months,71 € for 6 months. This insurance, which starts from the date of purchase, only covers emergency treatment (that means that expenses are covered only if you are admitted to hospital by ambulance or through the emergency room) + a limited no. of extra services occurring up to 3 times a year. Please note that for non-EU citizens the insurance will be valid only after applying for the residence permit. Read carefully the terms and conditions (Services provided: Information set Generali Italia – Information set Europassistance) .
To activate the policy, you should join the WAI Association and pay the relevant membership fee (above) by registering at the following link: .
- For the registration:
enter your personal information (name, surname, email, date and place of birth, address of residence); - upload a copy of your passport, enter the passport no. and choose your country of residence from the drop down menu;
- choose the payment method (bank transfer or credit card).
For any emergency call First Aid/Pronto Soccorso service at the free number 112 or go directly to the nearest hospital First Aid service. There they will assign you a color code (white, yellow, green, red) according to the gravity of your situation. Patients will be taken care of in order of the gravity and not of arrival. If the First Aid service personnel attribute you a white code, you could have to wait more than 1h before being visited by a doctor. If you show your sanitary card or the certificate released by the Sanitary unit (the receipt of the payment form is not enough) all examinations in day hospital are free. You also must bring with you your Codice Fiscale or/and residence permit.
For minor health problems (for example influence, cold, etc.) ask your general practitioner. Visits in ambulatory are free. Bring your residence permit, Codice Fiscale and sanitary card/Health Insurance Policy with you.
For specialist visits (gynecological, dental visits, etc.) ask your general practitioner for a ticket with which you can call the CUP (Booking Centre – further information could be provided by our Welcome Office) for an appointment with an expert with facilitated taxes (payment of the ticket). Bring your residence permit and sanitary card/Health Insurance Policy with you.
Emergency International number: 112