Thesis steps: from proposal to admission and graduation

Thesis steps: from proposal to admission and graduation

Step 1: Proposal of the thesis

8 months before scheduled thesis session a proposal or an abstract of the thesis work (Title, Supervisor, Abstract, Aims, Methods, Expected results, max 2000 words, references included) has to be sent to the email address and to the relevant supervisor in copy. The file will be forwarded to the coordinators and they will give the approval or feedback to improve the work.

Tentative timing for proposal submission

  • Summer Thesis Session (July): proposal by November 30th, year -1;
  • Fall Thesis Session (October): proposal by the end of February;
  • Winter Thesis Session (March/April): proposal by August 30th, year -1.


Step 2: Delivery of the electronic thesis and the Application Form

1 month before scheduled thesis session, within the deadline of the delivery of the electronic thesis, the supervisor of the thesis has to send the Application Form and the final thesis to, where he/she certifies that the thesis meets minimum requirements to be discussed. After the deadline, the master office will send the thesis to the Reviewer (chosen by the Master coordinators). Remember to use First Page, signed by both the student and the supervisor, at the beginning of the thesis.

In addition to the above, the following administrative procedures must be completed online in your own reserved area of the University’s website within set deadlines:

  • Reservation for the thesis session
  • Admission to the thesis session

Specific, detailed notices will be published in the Advices area on the university website at due time.


Regular Thesis sessions

There are 3 sessions per each Academic Year as defined in the Didactic activities calendar LM67INT

  1. Summer session: July
  2. Fall session: October
  3. Winter session: March – April


Final degree and degree grade

The final degree grade is composed of:

  1. the weighted average of the grades achieved in exams, calculated in 110/110 (66-110)
  2. the points given to the thesis defence (0-11, assigned as indicated in the “Final thesis evaluation criteria“)


The grade thus obtained is rounded to the nearest whole number.

In accordance with the study program rule and regulation (Art. 23) of the University of Rome Foro Italico it is possible to give the “cum laude” starting from the grade 110/110. The “cum laude” has to be unanimously approved by the commission.

After successful completion of the program, each graduate will receive:

  • the Joint Certificate, released by all partner universities and signed by the Rector of the University of Rome Foro Italico on behalf of all University’s Rectors;
  • the Italian National MSc (II level) Diploma of “Laurea Magistrale in Attività Fisica e Salute”, class LM67, academically recognized worldwide (Bologna Process and Lisbon Recognition Convention).


Double National Degree will be released in compliance with partner University’s registration and ECTS requirements.

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