The University of Rome “Foro Italico” (Erasmus Code: I ROMA5) welcomes colleagues from partner universities to participate in an Erasmus+ Staff mobility for training and/or teaching.
The aim of the Staff mobility is to share experiences between colleagues working in the same field and improve knowledges about specific activities and best practices and to compare teaching methods among the academic staff and enhance the range of educational opportunities available to students across various thematic areas and academic disciplines.
To begin the process, the first step is to find one or more staff colleagues at Uniroma4, who is willing and able to host you. It is important that their work aligns with your own area of work or field of research, and their position should be roughly equivalent to yours. Applications that do not meet these basic criteria are likely to be rejected. Please note that due to capacity limitations, certain offices or area of the Department of the University may not be able to host colleagues.
Here is the application procedure for a Staff Training or a Teaching Staff mobility at Uniroma4:
- Fill in the on line Visit Application Form completely and attach any required documents at least 4 weeks before the proposed period of visit. Once you have successfully submitted the online form, an Application PDF will be generated shortly thereafter.
- Fill in the Mobility Agreement provided by your university (completed but unsigned)
- Email your request with the attached documents to the International Relations Office at
Please ensure that all application documents are complete as incomplete applications will not be processed.
Once we receive your well-considered application, we will forward it to the contact person you have chosen. If they are willing to host you, they will contact you directly.
For specific requests or further information, please contact