L’Ateneo svolge, all’interno dei propri laboratori e centri di ricerca, attività di ricerca su numerosi progetti, finanziati da varie fonti, a livello nazionale e internazionale, tramite finanziamenti pubblici o privati, partecipando a bandi competitivi o a specifiche altre selezioni.
Bando/Finanziatore | SSD | Titolo progetto | Finanziamento ottenuto |
Cariplo | SPS/07 | Dietary fructose: a metabolic switch in pediatric obesity-related diseases. Identification of nutritional, biological, omics and social determinants | € 69.300,00 |
Ministero della Salute | ING-INF/06 | Predictive indices of independent activity of daily-living in neurorehabilitation | € 61.800,00 |
Ministero della Salute | ING-INF/06 | FASTER - FAll risk Sensor-based predicTion system for neurological patients: a novel Ecological neurological patients: a novel Ecological paRadigm to support the clinical decision-making process | € 57.100,00 |
Ministero della Salute | M-PSI/01 | I processi di autoregolazione per prevenire l’uso del doping: un programma basato su digital learning objects | € 18.700,00 |
PON Progetto ARS01_00693 PNR 2015-2020. | MED/50 | BONE++-Sviluppo di Micro e Nanotecnologie per la Predittività, la Diagnosi, la Terapia e i Trattamenti Rigenerativi delle Alterazioni Patologiche dell’Osso e OsteoArticolari” | € 79.900,00 |
POR FESR Lazio 2014-2022 | BIO/10 | NuOvi farmaCi anticoaguLanti dalla biOdiversiTà dei meloidi (acronimo: NO CLOT) | € 17.010,00 |
POR FESR Lazio 2014-2022 | ING-INF/06 | Valutazione strumentale ad alta tecnologia della stabilità posturale dinamica e del rischio caduta in persone fragili e disabili | € 39.940,31 |
POR FESR Lazio 2014-2022 | MED/50 | Interferenti endocrini nei pazienti affetti da patologie metaboliche: analisi di biomarcatori circolari e valutazione di danno infiammatorio | € 26.250,00 |
POR FESR Lazio 2014-2022 | BIO/13 | Costruzione di un pannello NGS testing di predisposizione genetica al concepimento di figli con sindromi di Klinefelter e Turner-Kettering | € 51.921,48 |
PRIN 2020 | MED/50 | Gene/environment interactions in breast and thyroid cancers: defining the biological role and actioning of endocrine disruptors and lifestyle to develop rational therapeutic/preventive interventions. ASTEROID -breaASt Thyroid cancERs andOcrIne Disrupors | € 169.254,00 |
PRIN 2020 | SPS/07 | Susceptibility to infectious Diseases in obEsity: an endocRine trAnslational socioLogic Evaluation | € 90.255,00 |
PRIN 2022 | BIO/13 | Exploiting the AR/DHX9 molecular axis as novel therapeutic target for prostate cancer | € 93.600,00 |
PRIN 2022 | BIO/16 | Applied stem cell-based regenerative medicine /ALBA (novel sources, preclinical approaches, and a pilot clinical study to consolidate regenerative medicine for liver diseases) | € 68.468,15 |
PRIN 2022 | ING-INF/06 | Contactless And ReliAble Movement invEstigation with miLLimeter-waves rAdars | € 100.000,00 |
PRIN 2022 | ING-INF/06 | Animal-borne systems for environmental monitoring | € 44.427,00 |
PRIN 2022 | L-LIN/12 | A multimodal discourse analysis of academic, cultural and social growth conveyed through the language of websites | € 44.953,68 |
PRIN 2022 | MED/50 | Dissecting Androgen Receptor Functions in skeletal muscle: in vitro and in vivo models | € 54.899,00 |
PRIN 2022 | M-PSI/01 | Virtual Immersive Training in Aging (VITA): A Dual Cognitive/Motor Training in Virtual Immersive Reality for Successful Aging | € 72.747,00 |
PRIN 2022 | M-PSI/02 | No-pharmacologic treatments for anxiety based on motor-cognitive training and non-invasive brain stimulation | € 105.367,00 |
PRIN 2022 | M-PSI/02 | Multisensory integration of locomotion-related visual and somatomotor signals - MulWAL | € 129.450,00 |
PRIN 2022 PNRR | BIO/09 | Unravelling the neural mechanisms underlying muscle weakness: the importance of early detection and treatment through a novel home-based intervention | € 121.470,00 |
PRIN 2022 PNRR | SECS-P/08 | E-well: esports between resilience, inclusion, and social capital. | € 190.925,00 |
IOC | MED/09 | Real time athlete biometrics and environmental monitoring | € 58.300,00 |
WADA Anti Doping Agency | M-PSI/01 | Project ANIMATE | € 11.000,00 |