Biomedical issues in health and exercise (LM67I-1B)

Biomedical issues in health and exercise (LM67I-1B)

informazioni su questo INSEGNAMENTO
Ore totali:
BIO/13, BIO/09, MED/09, MED/50, L-LIN/02
1° Semestre
Modalità di valutazione:
Written examination

Obiettivi formativi

  • Acquire an integrative knowledge of exercise physiology, motor analysis, and biomechanics, and understand how metabolism and forces affect the body during daily activities;
  • Describe and understand the mechanisms of muscular, neural and tendons-aponeurosis adaptation induced by resistance training, as well as the association between aerobic fitness and health;
  • Understand the concepts of physical activity and health based on epidemiological data;
  • Understand the importance of the relationship between hormones and exercise in the prevention and/or treatment of different diseases;
  • Understand the concept of doping, as well as to know the main international rules regulating doping controls in international sports competitions, and of the list of prohibited substances;
  • Understand and describe the genetic background of monofactorial and multifactorial traits and the role of genetic polymorphisms in the individual response to environmental factors, with specific attention to physical exercise.


When finalizing the course the students will be able to:

  • Utilize the conceptual tools related to human biology, nutrition, physiology, motor analysis, and exercise endocrinology in conceiving a fitness program (professional competence);
  • Apply the fitness assessment principles (professional competence);
  • Analyze and critically read scientific articles related to the disciplines treated in the module (theoretical and academic competence).


Basic knowledge in Statistics, Exercise Biology & Genetics, Exercise Biochemistry & Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology & Endocrinology.

Risultati apprendimento attesi

The exam includes:

  • Individually written short essay (3-5 pages, 1.000 – 1.800 words) on 20-22 November 2024 on a topic assigned to the student among the module’s topics. It must represent in an individual and original way the critical thinking of the student with respect to the chosen topic, demonstrating also the student’s capability to integrate and apply various knowledge. Essay general guidelines are available in the Moodle Learning Platform. Available time: 24 hrs.;
  • Test on 25 November 2024 (in person): up to 15 multiple choice and /or open questions on the entire module program (available time: 30′-60′, depending upon the question type). The test verifies the knowledge acquired by the student with respect the whole module content throughout the lecture’s attendance and the individual study.


For both Test and Essay, the program makes use of the online instruments available in the “Foro Italico” Moodle Learning Platform.

18 out of 30 points is the minimum threshold for both test and essay. The final mark will result from the following formula: [(Essay’s points x 2.2) + Test’s points]/3

Credits (ECTS)
The programme adopts the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the teaching units, with 1 ECTS = 25 hrs student workload. As a rule, 1 contact hr will be held to correspond to ~3 hr of student’s individual work, accounting for intensity of teaching, amount of study materials, essays to write, exams, etc. For the evaluation of academic progress, the ECTS grading scale will be adopted within the consortium.

Student’s work loads (Total 375 hours)

  • Lectures and seminars: 89
  • Practical teaching and online learning: 48
  • Individual study: 212
  • Exam: 26


Module responsible: prof.ssa Daniela Caporossi


The course is structured as an Intensive course with a condensed blended teaching period of 3 weeks (distance face-to-face and online resources from 7 to 25 October 2024) and condensed e-learning, distance tutoring, and individual study of 4 weeks, including examination (from 28 October to 19 November 2024).

Multidisciplinary components

  • Applied Biology (BIO/13, 2 ECTS)
  • Physiology (BIO/09, 6 ECTS)
  • Sports Medicine (MED/09, 5 ECTS)
  • Applied Medical Sciences (MED/50, 2 ECTS)
  • Foreign language (L-LIN/02, 0 ECTS)


Content of the course

  • Biomechanics and motion analysis
  • Muscle strength assessment and testing
  • Methods of fitness assessment
  • Principles of Fitness/Wellness: health benefits of strength and endurance training;
  • Fitness assessment, and exercise testing and prescription
  • The neural control of force
  • Metabolic effects of exercise protocols: theoretical and practical issues
  • Physical activity, public health, and fitness: an approach from the point of view of epidemiology
  • Health and safety in sport and PA
  • Cardiovascular, respiratory and muscle-skeletal fitness in health prevention for children, adults and elderly
  • Cardiorespiratory regulation and adaptations with regard to health enhancing physical activity in aerobic performance
  • Neuroendocrine adaptation in response to physical exercise
  • Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes
  • Human nutrition in health, diseases, development and aging: theoretical and practical applications
  • Nutrition and metabolism in health and exercise
  • Medical risks of substance abuse
  • Basic human genetics: genetic variability and mutations, simple and complex trait inheritance, from gene to phenotype
  • Genetic variability in health and diseases and gene-environment interactions in relation to movement
  • Molecular adaptation to health-enhancing physical activity
  • “Omics” in training adaptation


Additional tools: Introduction to descriptive statistics; English Academic Writing; Italian for foreign students.

Study material (mainly PDF files of the literature and monography) and virtual rooms for discussions between students and students and staff, is made available on the e-learn platform of Foro Italico University.

Vedi programma esteso
European Master of Science in Health and Physical Activity (Classe LM67INT)
Piazza Lauro de Bosis, 15 - 00135 Roma
Docenti del corso
Aagaard Per
Baca Arnold
Borrione Paolo
Caporossi Daniela
Ekelund Ulf
Fazio Alessandra
Felici Francesco
Kornfeind Philipp
Morino Francesca
Parisi Attilio
Pigozzi Fabio
Romano Spica Vincenzo
Sacchetti Massimo
Sgrò Paolo Giuseppe Maria
Tschan Harald
Vannozzi Giuseppe
Professore Associato
Wessner Barbara