When finalizing the course the students will be able to:
Basic knowledge in Statistics, Exercise Biology & Genetics, Exercise Biochemistry & Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology & Endocrinology.
The exam includes:
For both Test and Essay, the program makes use of the online instruments available in the “Foro Italico” Moodle Learning Platform.
18 out of 30 points is the minimum threshold for both test and essay. The final mark will result from the following formula: [(Essay’s points x 2.2) + Test’s points]/3
Credits (ECTS)
The programme adopts the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the teaching units, with 1 ECTS = 25 hrs student workload. As a rule, 1 contact hr will be held to correspond to ~3 hr of student’s individual work, accounting for intensity of teaching, amount of study materials, essays to write, exams, etc. For the evaluation of academic progress, the ECTS grading scale will be adopted within the consortium.
Student’s work loads (Total 375 hours)
Module responsible: prof.ssa Daniela Caporossi
The course is structured as an Intensive course with a condensed blended teaching period of 3 weeks (distance face-to-face and online resources from 7 to 25 October 2024) and condensed e-learning, distance tutoring, and individual study of 4 weeks, including examination (from 28 October to 19 November 2024).
Multidisciplinary components
Content of the course
Additional tools: Introduction to descriptive statistics; English Academic Writing; Italian for foreign students.
Study material (mainly PDF files of the literature and monography) and virtual rooms for discussions between students and students and staff, is made available on the e-learn platform of Foro Italico University.
Università degli studi di Roma “Foro Italico”
Piazza Lauro de Bosis, 15 00135 Roma – Italia
Tel. +39 06 36733.599
Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico (URP):
e-mail urp@uniroma4.it
C.F. 80229010584
P.I. IT07589431001