Research methodology (LM67I-5A)

Research methodology (LM67I-5A)

informazioni su questo INSEGNAMENTO
Ore totali:
ING-INF/06, M-EDF/01, MED/01, M-PSI/01, BIO/13, L-LIN/02
2° Semestre
Modalità di valutazione:
Written examination

Obiettivi formativi

  • Understand the ethical and philosophical implications in sport science and research;
  • Learn the principles of research methods and statistics for social sciences;
  • Learn the principles of research methods and statistics in sports sciences and health-related research;
  • Learn the research methods in descriptive and inferential statistics;
  • Learn the research methods in epidemiological research.


When finalising the course the students will be able to:

Professional competencies

  • Apply the ethical principles and norms to research design and management;
  • Utilize informed consent;
  • Apply the main statistics tools for biomedical and sociale sciences, utilizing the relevant software;
  • Conceive and manage a research protocol;
  • Prepare and develop a research proposal.


Theoretical and Academic competencies

  • Analyze and critically read scientific articles related to the scientific disciplines treated in the module;
  • Planning and developing thesis project.


Basic knowledge of qualitative and quantitative statistics, and philosophy of science.

Risultati apprendimento attesi

The exam includes:

  • Individually written short essay (4-6 pages, 1.800 – 2.500 words) on 5-9 May 2025 concerning a research proposal on a topic assigned to the student among the main 1st year topics. Essay general guidelines and specific format is available in the Moodle Learning Platform. Available time: 40 hrs.. Essay general guidelines are available in the Moodle Learning Platform. Available time: 40 hrs.;
  • Test on 12 May 2025 (in presence): up to 15 multiple choice and /or open questions on the entire module program (available time: 30′-60′, depending upon the question type). The test verifies the knowledge acquired by the student with respect the whole module content throughout the lecture’s attendance and the individual study.


For both Test and Essay, the program makes use of the online instruments available in the “Foro Italico” Moodle Learning Platform.

18 out of 30 points is the minimum threshold for both test and essay. The final mark will result from the following formula: [(Essay’s points x 2.2) + Test’s points]/3

Credits (ECTS)
The programme adopts the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the teaching units, with 1 ECTS = 25 hrs student workload. As a rule, 1 contact hr will be held to correspond to ~3 hr of student’s individual work, accounting for intensity of teaching, amount of study materials, essays to write, exams, etc. For the evaluation of academic progress, the ECTS grading scale will be adopted within the consortium.

Student’s work loads (Total 375 hours)

  • Lectures and workshop: 70
  • Practical teaching and online learning: 64
  • Individual study: 199
  • Exam: 42


Module responsible: prof. Sigmund Loland (Rome), prof. Arnold Baca (Vienna)

Student’s work loads (Total 375 hours)

  • Lectures and seminars: 70
  • Practical teaching and online learning: 60
  • Individual study: 203
  • Exam: 42


The course is structured as an Intensive course with a condensed blended teaching period of 3 weeks (distance face-to-face and online resources) and condensed e-learning, distance tutoring, and individual study of 4 weeks, including examination.

Multidisciplinary components

  • Bioengineering and informatics (ING-INF/06, ECTS 4)
  • Medical statistics (MED/01, ECTS 2)
  • General psychology (M-PSI/01, ECTS 2)
  • Applied biology (BIO/13, ECTS 2)
  • Methods and didactics of movement sciences (M-EDF/01, ECTS 5)
  • Foreign language (L-LIN/02, ECTS 0)


Content of the course

  • Theory of sport science – an introduction;
  • Classic positions in the theory of science: inductivism, falsificationism, paradigms;
  • Philosophical and ethical consideration in research design and management of results;
  • Paradigms in the sport sciences: respect for persons and informed consent;
  • Implications for student projects – discussion and group presentations;
  • From anthropometry to biotechnology: research application in sport sciences;
  • Research methods: planning, design, data acquisition & signal
  • Descriptive statistics;
  • Experimental and quasi-experimental research;
  • Practical work – planning of potential thesis projects;
  • Discussion of student projects – Student presentations;
  • Research methods & statistics for the social sciences: theory and practical applications;
  • Research methods in sport sciences: knowledge and methodology;
  • Problem & hypothesis work;
  • Validity, reliability, sensitivity, relevance;
  • Literature search: theoretical and practical work;
  • Writing and presenting the results;
  • Practical applications;
  • Research Methods in Sport Biology;
  • Epidemiology and statistics in health related sciences – Statistical application in epidemiology ad meta-analysis;
  • Inferential statistics – theory and practice;
  • Practical work;
  • Reporting research results;
  • Practical work;
  • Hands-on practice using experimental data: Descriptive statics, Inferential statistics, Written and oral presentation;
  • Practical work.


Additional tools: English Academic Writing; Italian for foreign students.
Orientation to 2nd year.

Study material (mainly PDF files of the literature and monography) and virtual rooms for discussions between students and students and staff, is made available on the e-learn platform of Foro Italico University.

Vedi programma esteso
European Master of Science in Health and Physical Activity (Classe LM67INT)
Piazza Lauro de Bosis, 15 - 00135 Roma
Docenti del corso
Caporossi Daniela
Crescioli Clara
Diketmueller Rosa
Gronved Anders
Kolle Elin
Loland Sigmund
Morino Francesca
Paronetto Maria Paola
Romano Spica Vincenzo
Vannozzi Giuseppe
Professore Associato
Wessner Barbara
Zelli Arnaldo